Q: How old does a student have to be to take the class?
A: A minimum of 14.5 years of age by the time the first day of class begins. This is a state law. We can take students through the age of 20.
Q: Do I have to purchase the permit before I can register for a future course?
A: No. The permit just needs to be purchased before the 1st day of the course your are taking with us.
Q: Does my student need to be present for me to purchase their permit?
A: YES. The student does need to be present. Please refer to the Idaho Licensing Office for all details on their hours, documents required, prices etc.
Q: I am registered, now what?
A: You will receive an email confirmation upon registering (please allow at 48 hr buffer as these are sent manually). We will mail out the course information packets about 6 weeks prior to your course beginning. This will give further details and the date for the orientation meeting that will take place within 2 weeks of your course beginning.
Q: I have a busy schedule with extra- curricular activities. Does Panhandle Driving School have a schedule that will work with me?
A: Yes, we provide make up class days and schedule drives on a week to week basis. We understand some students have hectic schedules so we will work with you to the best of our ability. We currently can offer driving options 7 days a week.
Q: What hands on demonstrations do you offer in this course?
A: Our guest speakers and demonstrations for most courses include Idaho State Police, Idaho Dept. of Transportation, hitching up and back a trailer, tire change, checking oil level, and jumping your battery. A big thank you to ISP, ITD, Timberline Helicopter and Andersons Autobody for these learning opportunities!
Q: Can I drive in different states with an Idaho permit?
A: Please check the respective state you are inquiring through their Department of Motor Vehicles. To our knowledge most of our surrounding states will recognize an Idaho permitted driver starting at the age of 15.
Q: Do I have to be an Idaho resident to take driver’s education in Idaho?
A: Yes.
Q: I am 17 years old, am I required by law to enroll in an Idaho driver education course?
A: No but we feel it will help you to be a safer, knowledgeable driver and most insurance companies offer a discount on premiums for drivers who take a teen driving course. Driver education is strongly recommended.
Q:What days of the week are your classes?
A: During the school year our classes are on Monday and Tuesday nights, to minimize the schedule conflict and academic responsibilities you may encounter. During the summer months, the classes are offered on Monday and Tuesday mornings.
Q: Can I drive with my parents while I am taking the course to gain experience and get extra practice?
A: No. The State of Idaho prohibits student drivers from practicing driving from except for State of Idaho Certified Driver Education Instructors.
Q: Do I need insurance while taking driver education?
A: No, we provide a liability policy.
Q: After completion of the course while driving with a permit, do I need insurance?
A: Each insurance company is different. Check with your insurance provider.
Q: After completing driver education, how long must I drive before qualifying for a driver’s license?
A: You must drive a minimum of 6 months and 50 hours, and a minimum of 10 of those hours must be at night.
Q: If I am 15 with a daylight only license, can I drive at night if I am coming home from a school function?
A: NO. As of July 1st 2023 licensed drivers who are under the age of 16 can only drive alone between 5:00am and 10:00pm.
Q: What is the cost of your course?
A: In-person $325, Online is $375. If you are a FB Charter student or LPOHS student please check with your school directly about Advanced Opps funding. This total cost includes all class hours (whether you choose online or in person) and all in-car hours too.
Q: I am a student, under the age of 17, new to Idaho with an out of state permit. How can I transfer to my current permit to an Idaho permit?
A: Please visit the Idaho State Dept. of Education website listed here for details then you may contact us via email or phone to set up any requirements you are needing to complete the process. https://www.sde.idaho.gov/student-engagement/driver-ed/students-families.html
Q: What online programs do you offer?
A: We provide an online curriculum through Idaho Online Driver Education. You are also able to take the driver education course online through IDLA if you prefer that route. Please DO NOT take an online course prior to registering with us.
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